CeBePHblY2015-09-10 14:57:06
Apache HTTP Server
CeBePHblY, 2015-09-10 14:57:06

Why suddenly http began to be redirected to https?

There is a home Ubuntu server, sites are spinning on it. Today, all of a sudden, all sites began to redirect to an address with https. For example, I enter site1.loc into the address bar and redirects to https://site1.loc/mail to the page with RoundCube mail. Same with http://site2.loc, http://site3.loc... What's broken? How to fix?

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2 answer(s)
CeBePHblY, 2015-09-10

decided everything. It turned out that somehow the place on port 80 was occupied by nginx, killed it, removed it from autoload, apache started to give sites normally.

OnYourLips, 2015-09-10

Browser plugins, the same HTTPS Everywhere.

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