sugadu2016-07-25 23:09:37
sugadu, 2016-07-25 23:09:37

Why is there still no symfony or zend-level framework on node.js?

Not a little time has passed since the release of the node. It is already approaching the seventh version (almost on a par with php :)). But why until now there are only microframeworks like express or koa, where everyone does what he wants, but there is not even talk about larger, more academic frameworks?

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8 answer(s)
Alexander Aksentiev, 2016-07-25

It’s better not to write logic in node.js like in php without experience at all.
I have almost never met / myself did not write software on nodejs that would NOT crash after it consumes all the memory.
Even on the simplest 50-100-200 lines of scripts, memory leaks appear.
Okay, I’m falling, I didn’t sign up for nodejs developers, but those who write and post in public, even there are constant leaks and falls.
With all the pluses in terms of speed and asynchrony (due to which, in general, memory faces appear), constant memory faces and crashes from lack of memory, I personally generally scare away.
I would not do serious logic on nodejs, partly because I don't have much experience.
Php just wins here, worked - died. To score memory, you have to try very hard (try to select the entire database / table, for example, into one variable: D).
Therefore, php is practically impossible to kill, unlike a node.
As a result, with all the pros and cons of both languages, I would choose php for the next service.

Vasily Shakhunov, 2016-07-26

So sailsjs is. All the same, everyone will drag everything from the rails.
Yes, and PHP has been developing for 20 years, and the node in 2015 went from version 0.11 to 4.2. Frameworks do not have time to write behind such a rapid development of the platform))

Vitaly, 2016-07-26

I found a revolutionary new framework here, very modular and asynchronous. So fv on php smoke on the sidelines. Koa.js (the author of the project is the same as that of express)

Denis Smetannikov, 2016-08-04

Because the node still does not have at least some generally accepted standards like PSR in PHP (or even PEAR). And this will not happen with the current rapid development of the language itself. In PHP, although the syntax changes between versions, it is not so significant as to resort to such monsters as babel.
A large framework implies canonicity and concentration of best practices in itself, which affect not only routing processing and responses (as in a micro-framework a la express), but working with the database, logging, templating, messages and everything else in the same style, well-thought-out architecture for a couple of years ahead and preferably from one close-knit group of authors.
When there are standards, they will be followed by all fundamental tools, such as composer+PSR4 (autoload).
How can you develop common ironclad principles and write something big when literally once a year everything turns upside down and another ES standard comes out, and popular libraries can easily break backward compatibility? =) Not to mention the leapfrog technology.
I think they will definitely appear as soon as the authors "calm down" up there and the developers can safely code, and not adjust package versions for half a day.

Alexander Alexandrovich, 2016-07-25

I can’t answer your question, but it seems to me that such people appear, for example adonisjs.com

Dmitry Guryev, 2016-08-04

If you need a large monolithic framework, you can look at Meteor . In general, in the world of JS / Node.js, everything is changing rapidly, because, as others wrote above, it is difficult for a monolithic framework to survive here (partly because React has replaced Angular). A more flexible approach is to build what you need in a particular project from independent npm modules.

inkrot, 2020-08-30

Hello from 2020, for everyone who asked a similar question, take a look at NestJS , the same symfony serializer here is class-transformer , and instead of Doctrine there is TypeORM . NestJS itself has excellent dependency injection, TypeScript with static typing, and performance is higher than that of Spring ( tyk ).

Pavel Malyshev, 2016-08-04

Why not? Maybe because big, monolithic frameworks are bad manners?

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