pashabomber2015-06-28 10:42:00
pashabomber, 2015-06-28 10:42:00

Why is there a white bar on the right side of the mobile version of the site?

Good afternoon!
There is a site serebrennikov.pro
Under phones there is a separate css-file with the properties. At the same time, when you open the site from your phone, there is a large white bar on the right. Twisted and picked, but could not figure out where it came from.
joxi.ru/L21vQbKhkwjDAX - screenshot
Thank you all in advance!

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2 answer(s)
Pavel, 2015-06-28

I’ll even say more, on tablets it looks like this prntscr.com/7m8q9m
apparently made up of only 2 types of screen and that’s it. And in your "mobile" site is already a bit simple.
More specifically media (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 991px)

Egor, 2015-06-28

Well, maybe width needs to be changed to max-width. There, as if if the screen resolution of the device is 991px, then the blocks are simply compressed to width: 320px. To make it stretch to full screen, you can try changing width: 320px to max-width: 991px.

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