alexustdv_ru2021-02-09 11:10:32
alexustdv_ru, 2021-02-09 11:10:32

Why is the web environment for Bitrix24 not installed on Linux CentOS?

[[email protected] ~]# ./bitrix-env.sh
System update in progress. Please wait.
Error updating the system.


--> Restarting Dependency Resolution with new changes.
--> Running transaction check
---> Package mariadb-libs.x86_64 1:5.5.68-1.el7 will be obsoleted
--> Processing Dependency: mariadb-libs(x86-64) = 1:5.5.68-1 .el7 for package: 1:mariadb-5.5.68-1.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: mariadb-libs(x86-64) = 1:5.5.68-1.el7 for package: 1:mariadb-server -5.5.68-1.el7.x86_64
---> Package php-mysql.x86_64 0:5.4.45-17.el7.remi will be an update
--> Processing Dependency: php-mysql for package: ispmanager-pkg -roundcube-5.282.2-1.el7.x86_64
--> Running transaction check
---> Package mariadb-libs.x86_64 1:5.5.68-1.el7 will be obsoleted
--> Processing Dependency: mariadb-libs(x86-64) = 1:5.5.68-1.el7 for package: 1:mariadb-5.5.68-1.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: mariadb-libs( x86-64) = 1:5.5.68-1.el7 for package: 1:mariadb-server-5.5.68-1.el7.x86_64
---> Package php-pecl-mysql.x86_64 0:1.0.0- 0.17.20160812git230a828.el7.remi.7.2 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: php-mysql-5.4.45-17.el7.remi.x86_64 (remi)
Requires: php-pdo(x86-64) = 5.4.45-17.el7.remi
Removing: php-pdo-5.4.16-48.el7.x86_64 (@base)
php-pdo(x86-64) = 5.4.16-48.el7
Updated By: php- pdo-7.2.34-3.el7.remi.x86_64 (remi-php72)
php-pdo(x86-64) = 7.2.34-3.el7.remi
Available: php-pdo-5.4.45-18.el7.remi.x86_64 (remi)
php-pdo(x86-64) =
5.4.45-18.el7.remi el7.remi.x86_64 (remi-php72)
php-pdo(x86-64) = 7.2.34-2.el7.remi
Error: Package: php-mysql-5.4.45-18.el7.remi.x86_64 (remi)
Requires: php-pdo(x86-64) = 5.4.45-18.el7.remi
Removing: php-pdo-5.4.16-48.el7.x86_64 (@base)
php-pdo(x86-64) = 5.4. 16-48.el7
Updated By: php-pdo-7.2.34-3.el7.remi.x86_64 (remi-php72)
php-pdo(x86-64) = 7.2.34-3.el7.remi
Available: php- pdo-5.4.45-18.el7.remi.x86_64 (remi)
php-pdo(x86-64) = 5.4.45-18.el7.remi
Available: php-pdo-7.2.34-2.el7.remi.x86_64 (remi-php72)
php-pdo(x86-64) = 7.2.34-2.el7.remi
Error: php-mysql conflicts with php-mysqlnd -7.2.34-3.el7.remi.x86_64
Error: Package: 1:mariadb-5.5.68-1.el7.x86_64 (@base)
Requires: mariadb-libs(x86-64) = 1:5.5.68- 1.el7
Removing: 1:mariadb-libs-5.5.68-1.el7.x86_64 (@base)
mariadb-libs(x86-64) = 1:5.5.68-1.el7
Obsoleted By: Percona-Server-shared -compat-57-5.7.32-35.1.el7.x86_64 (percona-release-x86_64)
Not found
Error: Package: 1:mariadb-server-5.5.68-1.el7.x86_64 (@base)
Requires: mariadb- libs(x86-64) = 1:5.5.68-1.el7
Removing: 1:mariadb-libs-5.5.68-1.el7.x86_64 (@base)
mariadb-libs(x86-64) = 1:5.5.68-1.el7
Obsoleted By: Percona-Server-shared-compat- 57-5.7.32-35.1.el7.x86_64 (percona-release-x86_64)
Not found
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
2021- 02-09T11:07:30:3226 : Error updating the system.
2021-02-09T11:07:30: 3226 : Log file path: /tmp/bitrix-env-0Ll7O.log

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[[+comments_count]] answer(s)
Andrey Nikolaev, 2021-02-10

Remove mariadb* packages , they interfere with Percona-Server installation

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