aPilot2018-03-29 18:09:24
aPilot, 2018-03-29 18:09:24

Why is the video only showing text?

I wanted to insert a video in the category description, in a text editor the link immediately turned into a player, and on the page it is displayed simply as url text.
Everything is fine in posts and pages.
What could be the problem with embed in categories?

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2 answer(s)
Igor Vorotnev, 2018-03-29

The category description does not include filters that convert shortcodes, oembeds and other goodies. There is only text, the rest is cut out / ignored.

YmNIK13, 2018-05-15

Pass the output text through the global $wp_embed object :)
I had a problem in the plugin and this code helped.

global $wp_embed;
if ( method_exists( $wp_embed, 'autoembed' ) ) {
   $text = $wp_embed->autoembed( $text );

$text is the text to be processed

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