Den K2016-07-14 16:32:07
Network administration
Den K, 2016-07-14 16:32:07

Why is the switch unavailable at regular intervals?

An interesting problem, but I could not solve it yet.
There is an office with several vlan.
Device management is moved to a separate vlan.
There are 5 switches. 4 - DGS-1210-28 and one - 1100-24.
That's just the problem with 1100. It is available for about 5 minutes, then disappears for 15.
But if you ping it from the gateway at any time, it immediately appears for 5 minutes.
The problem is only with access to the web. As a switch, it does everything without problems.
Has anyone encountered something similar?
Maybe I forgot to clarify some important information.

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1 answer(s)
Melkij, 2016-07-14

5 minutes? A very typical MAC Learning cache timeout value. Working hypothesis - responds to the wrong port or the wrong vlan. Perhaps a vlan configuration error. Or firmware error

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