Eugene2019-06-09 16:42:18
Eugene, 2019-06-09 16:42:18

Why is the mvvm stack, coroutines, viewModel, liveData not required?

I watch the job market and very often I meet the mvp, rx stack. Tell me what is it connected with? Why do so many people shy away from mvvm and coroutines?

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3 answer(s)
Maxim Moseychuk, 2019-06-10

Because most of the vacancy is support for already existing code. Nobody will rewrite everything.

zakkav, 2019-06-13

How is it not being used? Look at reddit, everyone writes on such a stack. Both I and my colleagues switched to Android Architecture Components for half a year.

Pardych, 2019-06-11

Because Google's mvvm is shit and not even mvvm. And there are jambs in livedata. Read what Wharton writes about architectural components. He is sometimes categorical, but here he is absolutely right.

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