Philip Dmitrov2015-11-16 02:57:56
Philip Dmitrov, 2015-11-16 02:57:56

Why is the LED lamp flashing (On, the switch has nothing to do with it)?

There are 10 LED lamps in a circuit. 12V, 7W. connected in parallel. 10-15 minutes after switching on, the first lamp starts flashing at an unpredictable frequency (on average, it goes out for 3-10 seconds every minute). The first switched on always flashes, if it is pulled out of the circuit, the second one starts flashing, etc. I would like to understand the cause of the phenomenon and a possible solution.
There were thoughts of adding a capacitor to the circuit in parallel with the lamp, or a resistor in series, the first in the circuit.
PS switch without backlight, the problem comes out even if you just close the wires, without a switch,
the circuit looks like this. For connecting conventional terminals with clamping screws

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2 answer(s)
eklessiast, 2015-11-16

Does the circuit open the illuminated switch? If so, just pull out the diode in the switch or change it. The current that passes is very small and the first lamp accumulates it and then gives it a flash. It's about the diode

Eastar, 2016-01-05

I had the same problem, I didn’t figure out what was wrong, I replaced it with incandescent lamps ...

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