ne_pes2018-11-07 18:48:40
Network administration
ne_pes, 2018-11-07 18:48:40

Why is the favicon not showing up?

The favicon is not displayed on one hosting, although everything is fine on the other hosting, I checked it on the validator, everything is fine, only it is not displayed on one hosting, the support service said that the display of the icon does not depend on the hosting, what could be the problem?

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3 answer(s)
Alexander Sukhanov, 2018-11-07

I think the problem is in browsers and the answer to it will be - Help a friend.
Ask someone who has never seen your previous favik (site).
I constantly fight with this myself and with customers :) , it is cached and whatever you do, the old icon is there.
Or do you not have an icon at all? neither new nor old?
Then write the code how you connect

Puma Thailand, 2018-11-07

Clear cache

Dmitry, 2018-11-09

If you have WordPress, then the problem may be in one of the installed plugins (by alternately deactivating, you can find a specific interference plugin).

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