exedis2016-01-14 15:20:38
exedis, 2016-01-14 15:20:38

Why is the encoding in chrome displayed as it should, but broken in mozilla?

Hello, there was a problem with the encoding on the MIGX form, partially solved by transcoding the php file to utf-8 without bom, but this is only in chrome, opera. In mozilla, explorer everything is the same ..

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2 answer(s)
Anton Shtinov, 2016-01-21

Perhaps the correct encoding is not specified in the header. And some browsers automatically recognize the encoding, while others don't.

zongranSeeYou, 2016-02-11

The document does not specify a text encoding. The browser, like any other text renderer, in this case selects either the Unicode standard (UTF8) for displaying text or takes the default encoding set in the system settings. By deleting the VUm, you only erased the information about the variant of the Unicode encoding format previously set by the editor (7-8 16 or 32).

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