antex_dom2014-06-02 15:42:33
antex_dom, 2014-06-02 15:42:33

Why is the description of the site displayed incorrectly in the yandex search results?

Good afternoon.
Dear colleagues, Yandex displays an incorrect description in the search results, this is the first time I see this, I myself am a specialist, but I can’t explain this behavior of the Yandex robot.
Therefore, I turn to you, maybe someone has come across such a situation.
Site address
If you enter the site address into the Yandex search bar, then fragments of the php code are displayed in the search results instead of the description, although the site itself opens normally and there were no problems with the site for a long time.
I am attaching the screen.
Thank you for your attention and I hope for your help.

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5 answer(s)
Sergey, 2014-06-02

Is this your php code?
If so, then Yandex cannot be clairvoyant. What he gets, he brings out.

antex_dom, 2014-06-02

Yes, this is my php code.
But after all, Yandex should display the content of the page, and not the server php code?
The server php code should not be available to the Yandex robot at all, I think so.
akubintsev, If the problem was in a web server, then:
1. the site itself would also not open correctly
2. other search engines would also have incorrect search results

Alexander Kubintsev, 2014-06-02

UPD: See
Maybe you edited index.php directly on the site when the robot was indexing? Or changed the web server settings?
In any case, I tried to set the user-agent of the Yandex bot through curl and did not see any anomalies.

Dmitry, 2014-06-02

Most likely the site was not available and gave a similar code, so if everything is ok on the site now, check the html code of the page. That is literally 2-3 weeks and everything will be restored!

bjl, 2019-01-28

In addition, check some more points to improve the appearance of the site in the search results -
Favicon Snippet
Site name case
Rich snippet (quick links)
Who is below you in the search results
Is it the right site and organization?
Who is in similar places
Contextual advertising in special placement

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