Dmitry2020-05-29 17:15:02
Dmitry, 2020-05-29 17:15:02

Why is the bot not working?

Hello, I wrote a code for the translate command, the bot receives the word along with the command and gives the translation of the word. I did it through the messages.text.split construction, but the bot outputs that "I didn't understand the word". Where is the mistake?

#Обработчик команды /translate
def translate(message):
        word = message.text.split(maxsplit=1)[1]
        worden = translator.translate(word, dest='en')
        finword = worden.text
        bot.send_message(message.chat.id, finword)
        bot.send_message(message.chat.id, "Не понял слова")

Used googletrans libraries. At the top of the code declared Translator.

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1 answer(s)
Maxim, 2020-05-29

Handle the exception correctly, it's not even clear to you what the error is.
Replace at least except with:

except Exception as err:

and look at the error. Or remove the try...except block (leave only what is in the try block) so that the error stack trace is visible.

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