Avery0072014-02-06 15:33:55
Avery007, 2014-02-06 15:33:55

Why is the axml editor not working?

I installed Xamarin Studio, then mono android, created an Android Application project.
I opened the axml file in a visual editor, and there is an error:

The Android SDK could not be found. Make sure path to the SDK...
. Well, I got into the options, there I indicated the path to the sdk and after clicking OK an exception was thrown:
System.NullReferenceException: An object reference does not point to an instance of an object.
at Xamarin.AndroidDesigner.AndroidDesignerSession.Refresh(Boolean asyncRefresh)
at Xamarin.AndroidDesigner.AndroidDesignerSession.Refresh()
at Xamarin.AndroidDesigner.AndroidDesignerSession.b__11()
at Xwt.Application.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__4()

How to solve it so that everything works?
PS When trying to build the application, there is also an error:
Could not locate Android SDK.

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2 answer(s)
Pavel Osadchuk, 2014-02-06

Did you use the standard installer?
You can try installing the SDK manually developer.android.com/sdk/index.html

dvaletin, 2014-03-13

Don't waste your time: throw out xamarin and install a normal IDE. Even if you solve this issue, others will appear. Very often, even their xamarin examples from the studio are not compiled.

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