lagudal2017-02-11 10:52:51
lagudal, 2017-02-11 10:52:51

Why is svg animation slow in mozilla firefox?

I drew one animated scheme - this one (pros, please don't laugh, I'm just getting acquainted with svg animation)
It functions normally in google chrome, in firefox it's not normal.
Well, for ff transofm-origin is required to be written in absolute values, in pixels, I understand that.
here is a diagram with absolute stroke-dasharra values...
However, as you can see, there are still problems, on the right side, where the dashed animation is implemented using stroke-dasharray and stroke-dashoffset.
In firefox, for some reason, this part slows down a lot.
Can this be fixed somehow?

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1 answer(s)
Antony Bark, 2017-02-17

I advise you to get rid of gradients

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