Optimus2017-03-26 18:52:32
Optimus, 2017-03-26 18:52:32

How to generate SVG animation?

Example codepen.io/FabioG/pen/MaZpJp
It is clear that the block is responsible for the animation

<svg viewBox="0 0 3387 1270">
<path id="planePath" class="planePath" d="M-226 626c439,
4 636,-213 934,-225 755,-31 602,769 1334,658 562,-86 668,
-698 266,-908 -401,-210 -893,189 -632,630 260,441 747,
121 1051,91 360,-36 889,179 889,179" />

Obviously, numbers are not written by hand ...
With the help of what software are such sequences generated for animating objects, writing text, etc.?

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3 answer(s)
Yaroslav Ivanov, 2017-03-26

In general, in any svg editor and then translate into html

Stepan Gervik, 2017-03-26

Hands and only) This is not some simple html

Nikolay, 2017-03-26

Here is an unpretentious editor appeared the other day on beta testing: link , try it)

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