Valery V.2017-05-29 13:26:19
Valery V., 2017-05-29 13:26:19

Why is memory leaking when refreshing a F5 page in Vue.js?

Started working with Vue.js not too long ago - very good stuff, but...
It's not entirely clear why the browser is leaking memory. It flows both when the frontend is active, and simply when refreshing the browser page with the F5 button. I have already done half the front and only noticed this problem, and even then - when the browser crashed. I started testing - memory consumption grows even with a bare Vue object - and there is nothing else, not a single component.
Someone can explain the reason why this is happening, maybe I misunderstand something ... ??

var app = new Vue({

I need it very urgently - I either have to redo the project or look for other tools.
Thank you!

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