MrSLonoed2011-11-18 17:56:28
MrSLonoed, 2011-11-18 17:56:28

Why is Ext.Direct needed?

Ext.Direct is a pretty powerful tool.
But I can't figure out where to apply it. The only thing that comes to mind is the transfer of some heavy calculations to the server, transparently to all code.
For data exchange, it seems to me more logical to use the standard ajax proxy and RESTfull. Or is it not?

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Voronkov, 2011-11-18

Ext.Direct essentially makes it easier to work more precisely and makes it more transparent. It's like you're executing a function on the client, but it's actually being done on the server. For example, get a user by id
For the client, this looks like an ordinary function call.
Plus, another cool feature is that if you call several functions for a certain time, it will group them into one request. And it will be transparent to you, you don't even have to think about it.

Evengard, 2011-11-18

Judging by the description, it is more like something like RPC. Not really data sharing. Rather, the separation of the frontend (on the client side) and the backend (on the server side) can be done well on its basis. IMHO.

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