Andrew2019-04-30 21:50:58
Andrew, 2019-04-30 21:50:58

Why is an error displayed when executing several tasks in one?

There is a task:
and when you run this task, an error is displayed:
browser-sync and prefix separately run without problems.

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1 answer(s)
Andrey Dobrin, 2019-04-30

You are using version 3 Gulp.
To solve your problem, you need:
If you want to take a step on the first option, you will have to enter this command into the console:
npm uninstall -g gulp && npm i -g [email protected]and your code will work.
Otherwise, leave yours Gulp 4and follow this link and read the instructions.
Here is the code for you Gulp 4:

gulp.task('watch', function(){
      сюда конфиг вашего сервера
  gulp.watch("Путь к файлам Html", gulp.series('html'));  // <--- В кавычках название таска
  gulp.watch("Путь к файлам CSS", gulp.series('prefix'));

I will explain at the expense of paralleland series. That is, in the first case, your task-and in the thread are executed together. And in another case, the first one will be executed first task, then the second, the third and to the end.

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