keslo2015-01-15 20:16:26
keslo, 2015-01-15 20:16:26

Why in the mobile version of Toaster do the comments to the answer open on a new page instead of expanding?

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Today I somehow could not stand it and decided to unsubscribe here.

I am annoyed by the organization of viewing comments in the mobile version of Toaster. What is happening there?

1. There is a desire to read comments on an interesting question or answer. And then we click on the link "... comment"
2. A new page opens! with the text of the question, the answer and comments on this answer.
3. Read. OK. Now you need to press "back" to return to the main page of the question, which happens with a page reload.


I figured that pages on average weigh 60 - 100 KB. It would be more convenient if:
- comments were shown without reloading the page with loading via AJAX
- comments were originally, for example, withdisplay: none; and were shown, respectively, with the same click on the link.

After all, it is unlikely that loading comments immediately will greatly increase the size of the page. And so if you have to read the comments to the top ten answers in the current state, then there can no longer be any talk of savings.

PS Comments on TOSTER are a valuable source of useful information. In more than half of the questions I read the comments to the answers. And upload from your smartphone in the subway, transport, in the park, etc. every time the page to view the comment is not rational!

The question is: how would you solve this problem?

Answer the question

In order to leave comments, you need to log in

3 answer(s)
Maxim Karakulov, 2015-01-15

One of these days, no later than the middle of next week, we will start expanding comments on the same page in the mobile version. Came to the same conclusion as you (=
Update Jan 19 : Made the comments on the answers expand on the same page on mobile devices.

globuser, 2015-01-15

Yesterday I tried to write a question in a toaster from a tablet (Samsung), everything seems to be fine. Marked the captcha even. But the PUBLISH button did not work to click. Rather, it turned out to press, but no reaction occurs. In short, a glitch. I had to turn on the computer and implement my plan from the desktop. Behind the sim, a dubious mobile toaster at the moment, or in some places buggy. In my case, and at that moment when I wanted to press the main button, it did not work :(

Anton, 2015-01-15

I don’t understand, what for is a captcha needed for people who confirmed the soap and wrote more than 2 questions? This time.
The second is the quality of the layout.
The third is redundancy, when there is no backward compatibility, but there is js hung on buttons. It doesn't kill of course, but why can't you just send a good old POST and refresh the page?
Such a moment when the goal is replaced by new technologies. Instead of saving nerves, they only create new surprises. No places to test on different devices.
The mobile front is not at the level of stackoverflow, gmail, facebook, twitter, etc. It may have been done clumsily, but it works stupidly.
I would be happy if I could switch to the full zoom version. So at least I understand what I'm dealing with.

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