tyoma_koder2021-04-07 18:08:11
tyoma_koder, 2021-04-07 18:08:11

Why don't svg links work?

Links look like

<a id="_32" xlink:href="ссылка" class="bought">
   <polygon class="fil0" points="819.72,2.05 1065.63,2.05 1065.63,656.94 819.72,656.94 "></polygon>
   <text x="839.68" y="291.46" class="room" dominant-baseline="central">Куплено</text>
   <text x="839.68" y="322.03" class="square"></text>
   <text x="839.68" y="352.61" class="price"></text>
   <text x="839.68" y="383.19" class="decor"></text>

svg is in the slider, links on all slides work except the last one, no link block overlaps, links and svg did not touch pointer-events

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