EVOSandru62015-10-10 05:03:21
EVOSandru6, 2015-10-10 05:03:21

Why doesn't Yii guard linked models like in the recipe?

Good afternoon,
I wanted to do it like here yiiframework.ru/doc/cookbook/ru/model.save.related.data in the documentation.
There is a Hotels model and a rooms relation in this model:
'rooms '=>[self::HAS_MANY, 'Rooms', 'hotel_id']
I submit the form, $_POST prints out all the data, but no data is entered into the rooms relation , an example is given below.
Perhaps the documentation meant not a relation, but an array?

      $model->setAttributes($_POST['Hotels'], true);
      $arr = [];
      // $model->rooms= [];   так тоже ничего не заносится, если как массив объявить

      foreach($_POST['Rooms'] as $room)
        $roomModel = new Rooms();
        $roomModel->setAttributes($room, true);
        $model->rooms[] = $roomModel;
        $arr[] = $roomModel;

                        // ничего не выводит
                       // Выводит массив моделей


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1 answer(s)
Alexander, 2015-10-10

Try like this

foreach($_POST['Rooms'] as $room)
        $roomModel = new Rooms();
        $roomModel->setAttributes($room, true);
        $roomModel->hotel = $model;

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