Igor Makhov2020-04-01 13:39:32
Igor Makhov, 2020-04-01 13:39:32

Why doesn't smaba share work?

Why can't samba share work if permissions are set to 770 on the directory? Throws access denied. If you set the rights to 775, then everything works.

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry Belyaev, 2020-04-01

It so happened historically that the -x attribute (aka one in octal notation) on a directory does not mean execute (like files), but listing
If 0, do nothing at all
1 (-x) - the ability to execute a file (or the ability to list a directory, that is, view its contents)
2 (-w) - the ability to write
4 (-r) - the ability to read
Other digits are obtained by the sum
Also in octal notation 3 digits: owner rights, owning group rights, everyone else's rights
If samba is running from user and group other than those owning the directory - then the first two sevens do not apply to it in any way

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