h1_0ne2018-12-17 22:06:31
h1_0ne, 2018-12-17 22:06:31

Why doesn't reading and writing to files work in qt creator?

There is a window, in the window there is a button and a label. button code

void HelloWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
QFile fileOut("data.txt");
QString name=ui->pushButton->text();
if(fileOut.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)){
       QTextStream stream(&fileOut);
       QString str=stream.readAll();

There is a line in the data.txt file. Cute does not issue an error messagebox, that is, the reading happened and everything is ok with it, but the text on the label is assigned to emptiness, that is, it could not read from the file. It's the same with recording - there is no error, but the cut does not record anything. Why is this and how to fix it?

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1 answer(s)
vreitech, 2018-12-17

either the file does not exist on the path that you specified, or there are no read rights to it.

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