Yura Khlyan2019-03-14 16:06:36
Yura Khlyan, 2019-03-14 16:06:36

Why doesn't linter work in VSCode?

Good day.
Linter doesn't work for me (neither pep8, pylint, flake8). The environment is correct, included in the settings (through the settings and manually by the command). What else could be the problem?

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2 answer(s)
Yura Khlyan, 2019-03-15

Maybe someone will come in handy.
The problem was in the settings:

"python.linting.flake8Args": [
        // "--load-plugins=[pylint_django]" -- вот эта строка все ломала, но никакого предупреждения не было

Drill, 2019-03-14

Linting Python in Visual Studio Code

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