enotys2015-10-14 22:23:01
enotys, 2015-10-14 22:23:01

Why doesn't data appear in Kibana?

## INPUT descriptions:
## File input
## read laravel logs continuously and tags laravel-logs
  type tail
  path /home/enot/handler/storage/logs/**.log
  pos_file /tmp/fluentd.laravel-logs.pos
  tag tail_ex.*.${hostname}
  #format /^\[(?<time>[^\]]*)\] (?<level_name>[^:]+)\: (?<message>.+)/
  format /^(?<message>.*)$/
  time_format %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S %z

## File input
## read apache logs with tag=apache.access
  type tail
  format apache
  path /var/log/access.log
  tag apache.access

## File input
## read laravel logs continuously and tags laravel-logs
  type tail
  format nginx
  time_format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
  path /var/log/nginx/kibana.log
  pos_file /tmp/fluentd.nginx-kibana-logs.pos
  tag nginx-kibana-logs

## File input
## read laravel logs continuously and tags laravel-logs
  type tail
  format nginx
  time_format %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z
  path /var/log/nginx/error.log
  pos_file /tmp/fluentd.nginx-logs.pos
  tag nginx-logs
  read_from_head true

############################### DEBUG ###########################

 type syslog
 port 5140
 tag  system
<match system.*.*>
 type record_reformer
 tag elasticsearch
 facility ${tag_parts[1]}
 severity ${tag_parts[2]}
<match elasticsearch>
 type copy
   type stdout
 type elasticsearch
 logstash_format true
 flush_interval 5s #debug

There is a config for td-agent elasticsearche sits on port 80. Kibana 3.1.0 sees it and some data from syslog which. But from the files using the in_tail and tail_ex plugins, the data does not get into elsaticsearch and, accordingly, is not visible in Kibana. Who faced similar problems?

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1 answer(s)
slden, 2020-04-15

Try sending data to ES using the template config.

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