Anton2019-06-17 14:57:18
Anton, 2019-06-17 14:57:18

Why doesn't CSVHelper read fields from file?

I'm having a problem, csvhelper doesn't see any of the fields in my .csv file (there are many)

static OFSStoresDB ReadFile(string filename)
            OFSStoresDB db = new OFSStoresDB();
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filename);
            CsvReader csv = new CsvReader(reader);
            csv.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = true;
            csv.Configuration.BadDataFound = null;
            // Log missing field.
            csv.Configuration.MissingFieldFound = (headerNames, index, context) =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Field with names ['{string.Join("', '", headerNames)}'] at index '{index}' was not found. ");
            while (csv.Read())
                    #region Read raw data

                    var timestampConverter = new TimestampConverter();

                    DateTime reportExtractedAt = csv.GetField<DateTime>("Report_Extracted_At", timestampConverter);

                    // Source Store
                    string srcStoreId = csv.GetField("Src_Store_Id");
                    string srcStoreName = csv.GetField("Src_Store_Name");
And already at the first reading of the first field, an error occurs
System.ArgumentNullException: 'Value cannot be null. Parameter name: value'

And in the console writes
Field with names ['Report_Extracted_At'] at index '0' was not found.

What could be the problem, please advise.

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1 answer(s)
#, 2019-06-17

(on a comment to the question) ... or with a separator "by default" ("," or ";". in the Russian locale it's just ";") .. dig in the direction of setting the locale for the length of the sieswi-reader. a simple example here https://progtask.ru/csv-c-sharp/

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