Paul2017-02-26 19:31:53
Paul, 2017-02-26 19:31:53

Why does vk.exceptions.VkAuthError: Authorization error (incorrect password) occur?

Just today there was such an error, before everything worked. I didn't change my password, I'm entering it correctly.
I use the library https://pypi.python.org/pypi/vk
Error during session creation:
session = vk.AuthSession(app_id=MY_ID, user_login=LOGIN, user_password=PASSWORD)
Maybe today they changed the authorization method? I will be grateful for help

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2 answer(s)
Aristarkh Deryapa, 2017-05-21

Authorization error ( incorrect password )

The most likely is an incorrect password.
Otherwise, as stated above:
Open the page in the browser, enter your login and password - it enters, then wait for the library to be fixed or look for an alternative, it does not enter - find out why the TP.

john_2013, 2018-01-14

I have a similar problem, VK also sends a login confirmation code, but how can I use it in the api?

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