Alexey Green2014-09-10 20:51:09
Alexey Green, 2014-09-10 20:51:09

Why does Transmission put permissions on downloaded files 0000?

I will describe in order:
There is a NAS on NAS4Free under FreeBSD 9, Transmission works, a web and samba server is up.
At the end of the torrent download, the downloaded file is given access rights 0000, you have to go through WinSCP as root and fix it manually.
In the transmission settings in the web face, I set the rights to the downloaded files to 0777, it's useless, they still cost 0000.
Please help, I'm attaching the screenshots below.

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2 answer(s)
Veritatis_Exquisitor, 2014-09-11

umask subtracts bits from permissions, i.e. umask=0002 will give permissions 0775
If permissions 0777 are needed, then umask should be 0000 accordingly

arnautov_dmitriy, 2014-09-10

Discussion in this Nas4Free forum thread - forums.nas4free.org/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=1996

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