Ninja Mate2017-03-21 23:32:25
Ninja Mate, 2017-03-21 23:32:25

Why does this error occur when creating a subcategory for woocommerce products (creates twice)?

I have a function that creates categories for products.
when I try to use it to create subcategories and set parent, the product is created as the main product and gives an error that a similar product already exists.

function test(){

    $sub_cat_id = wp_insert_term(
        'TEST', // the term
            'parent' => 7331

    echo "------------------------------------" . "</br>";

    if ( is_wp_error( $sub_cat_id ) ) {
        echo "Error: " . $sub_cat_id->get_error_message() . "</br>";
        echo "------------------------------------" . "</br>";

    return null;

Error: A term with the name provided already exists with this parent.

In this case, the product is created. How to win this?
The script is run twice. I run it as a plugin through the admin panel.

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1 answer(s)
Denis Klepko, 2017-03-22

  'description'=> 'test description',
  'slug' => 'mytest',
  'parent'=> 7331

Try like this. Most likely somewhere such a term already exists. I would search the database for matches.

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