ryzhak2018-06-01 18:18:07
ryzhak, 2018-06-01 18:18:07

Why does the time of an incoming message to mail.ru change when the pages are reloaded?

There is an incoming mail message on mail.ru. The time of the incoming message is 17:09. If you reload the page in the browser, the time may change to 17:10. That is, it seems that the time changes randomly when the page is reloaded, 17:09 or 17:10.
Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1idi5y_ORGPYHcM45Z...
Such "dances" over time not only in incoming but also outgoing. The exact time is critically important to me, since I participate in the auction, and if you send an application earlier, then it simply will not be accepted.
Why is that?
Thanks in advance

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1 answer(s)
Moskus, 2018-06-01

Because the concept of "testing" and another concept of "quality standards" in mail.ru somehow did not really take root. And what answer did you expect?

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