Mikhail Shatilov2018-08-03 22:02:33
Mikhail Shatilov, 2018-08-03 22:02:33

Why does the nvidia driver start with a delay?

After a recent upgrade of the computer and reinstallation of Windows, the first time everything was fine. But after installing a third-party audio card, something went wrong. She works great and the sound is good.
The problems started with the video: after loading the computer, for the first 10-20 seconds, Windows works either on the built-in video or without a driver on the HD - it's not clear, but it's obvious that something is wrong: simply dragging the window is accompanied by its breaks. The effect is like Windows in a virtual machine without firewood. Still sometimes the screen goes blank and comes back.
I reinstalled the nvidia driver a couple of times, but nothing changed.
It is not clear in which direction to dig.

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1 answer(s)
Ezhyg, 2018-08-03

Install an older driver, start from the previous version and move on until the jambs are fixed.

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