Aristotel Paskalov2021-11-23 16:24:20
Aristotel Paskalov, 2021-11-23 16:24:20

Why does the error "Unknown column 'wp_' in 'field list'" occur?

I installed pure WordPress on the site, installed the Astra plugin and wanted to activate it. When I try to activate it, I am redirected to a page with the error "Sorry, you are not allowed to view this page" I

wrote to the hosting support, they said the following:
I see this error: [23-Nov-2021 06:30:52 UTC] Database WordPress returned Unknown column 'wp_' in 'field list' error in response to SELECT wp_ query Googled a

lot but couldn't find a solution.
Tell me, please, what could be the problem?

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2021-11-24

Here is a similar error https://caveenasolutions.com/2021/07/solved-wordpr...
Check for wp_ column in phpmyadmin. If it doesn't exist, try adding it.
Did you mean the Astra theme and not the plugin?

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