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Why does GIT hang?
How to understand why GIT push hangs?
[email protected]:/var/www/sites/$ git push origin layout
Counting objects: 78, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (21/21), done.
Writing objects: 69% (23/33), 6.66 MiB | 9.00 KiB/s
I did a git pull, everything sank. did a git push. It seems that everything started to go, but then the speed dropped sharply and hangs for half an hour at 69%, while the speed does not rise above 9 kb.
Did ctrl+c, git gc, git push - started with 69% and continued to be stupid in the same way. What can be wrong? Communication with the server is good. Hetzner.
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Wowza is the most flexible server-side option (though paid).
Users will be able to broadcast in many ways. For example, corny, FMLE .
True, it's not entirely clear about "podcasts" - do you need a video blog like youtube, or live broadcasting like own3d ? Although, in voz you can both “live” and “on demand” without problems.
In any case, one server will not be enough for you. You need at least a couple of mega-powerful or a dozen so-so. And screw your own balancing scheme to them or adjust the balancing in the carrier itself.
Plus authorization of users is generally a separate issue. I don't know any ready-made solutions for this. Still, projects like youtube are not so often stamped out, and there seems to be no mass demand for a popular CMS for this business. But it’s quite possible for a vuz to “make friends” with the site’s authorization system in a reasonable time, so I advise you to start studying it.
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