Stazhor2020-09-14 14:01:58
Stazhor, 2020-09-14 14:01:58

Why does CORS restrict access to the POST action?

Hello. There is a WEB API service on .net core 2.1, which has the action of saving the model from the form:

public async Task<IActionResult> Save([FromForm] Document document)
       //Некоторые действия.

There is also a .net core mvc client application. js sends the data from the form to the web api. The code:

function SubmitForm(formData) {
    let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    let form = new FormData(formData);
    xhr.open('POST', 'http://localhost:57803/api/save');
    xhr.onload = () => {
        if (xhr.status == 200) {
            alert('Все норм!');
        else {
            alert('Произошла ошибка!');

But when sending this request, an error occurs in the console: Access to XMLHttpRequest at ' localhost:57803/api/save ' from origin ' https://localhost:44377 ' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin ' header is present on the requested resource. Although the StartUp web api class indicated the following:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)

        app.UseCors(builder => { builder.AllowAnyOrigin().AllowAnyMethod().AllowAnyHeader(); });

It is also worth noting that there is a method for deleting an object in the WEB API:

    public async Task<IActionResult> Delete(int id)
       //Некоторые действия.

And in the client application the following code:

function deleteDoc(id, documentName) {
        let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr.open('DELETE', 'http://localhost:57803/api/delete/' + id);
        xhr.onload = () => {
            if (xhr.status == 200) {
                deleteRow(id, documentName);
            else {

What is strange, the deletion works fine, but the post-request is blocked. I do not know where to dig, tell me, please.

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1 answer(s)
yuopi, 2020-09-14

In ConfigureServices:

services.AddCors(options =>
               options.AddPolicy("CorsPolicy", builder => builder
                    .SetIsOriginAllowed(e => true)

In configure:

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