AlmazKayum2018-08-16 16:06:06
AlmazKayum, 2018-08-16 16:06:06

Why does a script run through systemd hang?

I always ran my Python scripts through nohup, they often crashed, here on Toaster they advised me to run scripts as a system process using systemd.
I set up the work using the article https://jeckill.ru/zapusk-python-skripta-kak-servis/
But the scripts both hung up and hung up. What do I mean by hang. That is, the script for the telegram bot worked and worked, and then simply stopped accepting updates, without any errors in the logs.
systemctl start *.service doesn't help. The service is enabled but not running.
systemctl restart *.service
helps. Scripts hang every 2-3 days. Therefore, the problem cannot be postponed.
What do you think could be the reason?

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2 answer(s)
OnYourLips, 2018-08-16

You need to debug the script, the problem is in it.
It doesn't stop working, it just doesn't work properly.

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