tj572019-03-14 02:34:29
tj57, 2019-03-14 02:34:29

Why does a React component render but not render in the browser?

I am getting an array of objects from the server. It has a nested structure. You need to render it and get such a tree:
The problem is that it is rendered normally, but it is displayed in the browser every other time. That is, I only display the outer elements of the tree:
At the same time, there are elements in the DOM tree:
And they are rendered in full, including the most nested ones. Then I refresh the page - and everything is displayed again. Moreover, this does not happen strictly every other time, but randomly.
The code:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import EqItem from './EqItem';

class Tree extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      buildings: [],
      loading: true

 componentDidMount() {
  var buildings = new Scorocode.Query("buildings");
    buildings.find().then((finded) => {
    let buildings = finded.result;
    let buildingsJSON = JSON.stringify(buildings);
     this.setState({buildings: buildings, loading: false});

render() {

  return (
   <div id="multi-derevo">
    <h4><a href="#">Начальная схема</a></h4>
      this.state.buildings.length !== 0 &&
      this.state.buildings.map((building, index) => {
      return  (
        <li key={index}><span><a id={`${building._id}`}>{building.name}</a></span>
            { building&&building.rooms !== undefined && building.rooms.map((room, index) => {
            return (
              <li key={index}><span><a id={`${room.id}`} onClick={this.props.onToggleEqItem}>{room.name}</a></span>
                  { room&&room.children!==undefined&&room.children.map((item, index) => {
                  return (
                    <li key={index}><span><a id={`${item.id}`} onClick={this.props.onToggleEqItem}>{item.name}</a></span>
                      {item&&item.children!==undefined&&item.children.map((i, index) => {
                          return (
                              <li key={index}><span><a id={`${i.id}`} onClick={this.props.onToggleEqItem}>{i.name}</a></span></li>
export default Tree;

If you take and convert the array to JSON and just hardcode it in componentDidMount(), then everything is displayed normally on every launch:
   let buildings = [{"_id":"FG7pRodZNF","createdAt":"2017-04-04T10:45:23.103Z","updatedAt":"2017-04-04T11:17:23.210Z","name":"Главный корпус","readACL":[],"removeACL":[],"updateACL":[],"rooms":[{"children":[{"id":"b1floor1room1","name":"101"},{"name":"102","id":"b1floor1room2"},{"id":"b1floor1room3","name":"103"},{"id":"b1floor1room4","name":"104"},{"id":"b1floor1room5","name":"Вахта"}],"id":"b1floor1","name":"Этаж 1"},{"children":[{"children":[{"id":"b1floor2leftroom1","name":"Приемная директора по общественным связям в федеральном регионе"},{"id":"b1floor2leftroom2","name":"102"},{"id":"b1floor2leftroom3","name":"103"}],"id":"b1floor2left","name":"Левое крыло"},{"children":[{"id":"b1floor2rightroom1","name":"101"},{"id":"b1floor2rightroom2","name":"102"},{"id":"b1floor2rightroom3","name":"103"}],"id":"b1floor2right","name":"Правое крыло"},{"name":"Подсобное помещение","id":"b1floor2roomx"}],"id":"b1floor2","name":"Этаж 2"}]},{"_id":"CacR5AWhfr","removeACL":[],"updateACL":[],"createdAt":"2017-04-04T11:14:40.421Z","updatedAt":"2017-04-04T11:16:49.725Z","name":"Офис на улице Линии Октябрьской железной дороги","readACL":[],"rooms":[{"name":"Главное помещение офиса","id":"b2room1"},{"id":"b2room2","name":"Подсобное помещение"},{"id":"b2room3","name":"Кабинет управляющего"},{"id":"b2room4","name":"Складское помещение"}]}]
        this.setState({buildings: buildings});

I tried to convert the resulting array to JSON and put it in state, but did not understand how to do it correctly. Maybe there are other possible ways to solve the problem?

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