ILoveYAnny2018-02-08 16:42:02
Video cards
ILoveYAnny, 2018-02-08 16:42:02

Why do my eyes hurt after reinstalling Windows?

Notebook HP Envy 17, two video cards - Nvidia 750m and built-in Intel HD Graphics 4600. Initially licensed Win8 from the store, then updated to 10 and HP firmware.
There were nVidia drivers and through them there was resolution and frequency control.
There were some failures and I had to demolish the old Windows, re-partition the disks and install a new one. My eyes began to hurt terribly, the white light became somehow blinding. After installing the new Windows, the Intel drivers automatically got up and they took control of the screen, they set the maximum frequency and resolution. Installing the nVidia drivers didn't lead to anything, the picture didn't get better and the eyes didn't stop hurting + to everything, the nVidia control panel lacks the main components in which the resolution and frequency are set, etc. They are on the screenshots and on the old Windows they are. There is a suspicion that the maximum frequency is not set. I tried to remove the Intel drivers, put them in a different sequence, it did not help. At the moment, the maximum allowed characteristics are as follows:
Frequency: 60 Hz
Resolution: 1600x900
Help please, googling does not lead to anything, how can I solve the problem? Installed f.lux, did not help.

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1 answer(s)
Ezhyg, 2018-02-08

Drivers do not need to be removed, they must be installed, only the correct ones :). That is - suitable for a laptop and OS. And also, prohibit Win10 from putting firewood on the video itself (through updates), otherwise it will set up all sorts of garbage, and then the user will suffer.
As an option, try to roll back (via rollback or manually) to the drivers of previous versions, one-two-three. Particularly for an nVidia card.
Envy 17 model list

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