lukoie2020-06-21 00:31:14
lukoie, 2020-06-21 00:31:14

Why do I lose directory permissions when deploying to AWS?

Laravel, we, three people, write the project on Windows (phpstorms and vskodas), and store it on the gitlab.
Once a day, I deploy it to AWS, and every time there are directories /storage, /storage/framework, /storage/framework/sessions, -||=/views. -||=/cache turns out to be 755, and every time I change them to 777
, why do the rights change during deployment, and how to prevent this from happening (well, except for doing CI with a script that will change the rights)?

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1 answer(s)
DevMan, 2020-06-21

because 777 are redundant rights.
and the git does not save the rights at all.
yes, they are needed if you work in a multi-user environment with mod_php, but this is no longer ice.
need? banal post-script with editing rights. it's easier and faster to find an answer.

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