Andrey Truvenov2015-01-28 18:18:05
Andrey Truvenov, 2015-01-28 18:18:05

Why did you become a developer?

1) What motivated you? Financial part, dreams or simple self-expression?
2) Are you happy with your choice?
3) Would you be happy if your children chose such a life?
4) Where do you want to be in 5-10 years?
5) You are not going to change your life?

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9 answer(s)
Maxim Kudryavtsev, 2015-01-28

Now our society can be divided into two categories:
1. Those who control machines
2. Those who are controlled by machines
By controlling machines, I control society. The only question is how "high" is my car...

OnYourLips, 2015-01-28

1) I suddenly realized that my hobby brings a good income.
2) Compared to other non-management positions, yes.
3) Yes.
4) On leave of service. Manage your projects on github.
5) Changed a long time ago.

Anton Radushevsky, 2015-01-28

1) I don't like people, my hobby has become a job
2) Yes
3) Yes

Alexander Taratin, 2015-01-28

1) They bought me a computer.
2) No.
3) No.
4) As a result of hostilities, by the spring of 2016, 50 million people will remain alive on the territory of the Russian Federation. I don't think I'll be lucky enough to be one of them.
5) No.

Alexander Shapovalov, 2015-01-29

1. There is simply no other such profession with such opportunities for self-realization and creativity, plus the opportunity to work on your own projects, and not just for the customer / company 2.
Yes, but the sedentary lifestyle is already pretty fed up
automation and the Internet will make most jobs remote
4. In the same place, only in a newer and more modern home with family and children)
5. Freelancing is not a bad increase in pension)

iliyaisd, 2015-01-29

Hmm, I remembered how in the 3rd grade a friend said that he wanted to be a programmer, asked if I wanted to too. I answered in horror: no! Now I am a programmer, and he graduated from foreign language)
In the 9th grade, a couple of friends went to programming. They showed me a mini-code in Pascal that adds two numbers, and I was flooded. This is power! After all, then I didn’t know that I would have to cut the code for days on end))

Vladimir, 2015-01-28

1. Tired of working as a system administrator.
2. Quite.
3. Quite.
4. Either this is some kind of business, or a job that will not require full-time employment, devote more time to yourself, family and the development of open source projects.
5. Changed until everything suits.

Mrrl, 2015-01-28

1) It happened. It turned out that programming yourself is easier than explaining algorithms to others.
2) Quite.
3) Let them choose what they want. Though a developer, even a veterinarian, even a fighter pilot. If only they liked it.
4) It doesn't matter at all. Just to be able to do interesting things.
5) I'm going, after the technological singularity. At the first opportunity of uploading, I will go to master the virtual world.

Alexey, 2015-01-28

1) Dream. From the age of 8 I dreamed of becoming a programmer.
2) Satisfied.
3) It is their right and their choice.
4) Life will show.
5) I see no reason to change it in many small things and I see no way to change it really radically.

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