Alexander2017-09-13 11:21:39
Alexander, 2017-09-13 11:21:39

Why can't I edit a form in SharePoint?

Comrades, welcome.
Such a situation - in SharePoint 2013 in the "Overview of problems and solutions" there is a warning: "PowerPivot: The secondary logon service (seclogon) is disabled." If I click "Reanalyze", the site falls into "Sorry, something went wrong". Also on the rule "PowerPivot: The MidTier process account must have "Full Read Access" permission for all associated SPWebApplication". There is an opinion that this is due to the fact that the name of the rules does not match in the "Overview of problems ..." and in the "Definition of the rules ..." - in the first it is in Russian, and in the second in English.
So, I go into the rules property, I see this there:
I click on "Edit", enter a new name, click save and get this message:

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