Abdula Magomedov2016-06-16 05:56:21
Abdula Magomedov, 2016-06-16 05:56:21

Why can't I download npm package via composer?

Hey! The socket.io
package needed to be installed . Because I have a project on Yii2, and I will use this library in this project, I thought to upload the library to a shared folder, i.e. using composer. I enter It connects, tries to download, then displays an error about authorization via ssh. What could be the problem. Che what is on the internet did not help me.
composer require npm-asset/socket.io

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2 answer(s)
vyachin, 2016-06-16

this is how it will work

Dmitry Evgrafovich, 2016-06-16

There is no such package on packagist.org, therefore it does not connect. Try this article to set up composer.json and connect the git repository, as the author of superlogger connected https://habrahabr.ru/post/145946/ , but use https://github.com/socketio/socket.io instead of what you specified. In general, it’s better for a node to download using npm, since it’s not much more complicated than a composer.

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