Svyatoslav Torg2016-10-31 18:52:16
Svyatoslav Torg, 2016-10-31 18:52:16

The backend does not see models in common, but the front does. Why?

Hello, I uploaded a project on YII2 Advanced to elasticweb hosting, they already have a ready-made nginx config for advanced,
and here are GENERAL MODELS, Frontend works with a bang, all functions, everything is great!)
And the backend is the usual set of CRUDs, and when I switch to index any CRUD throws
"Class 'common\models\menu' not found". (Support shakes hands).
Once again I will say that the front of the model sees. Works on OpenServer. Written in php7. The server also has php7.
Maybe someone had something similar?
The architecture is like this:

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1 answer(s)
Svyatoslav Torg, 2016-10-31

And so the essence was as follows, the frontend was all written with pens, so it immediately worked.
And I did the backend through the GII CRUD generator, and it wrote "use common\models\model" in all controllers and Search
models, but it was necessary to Model , be careful, everything worked for me)))

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