Vlad2018-03-13 13:56:39
Search Engine Optimization
Vlad, 2018-03-13 13:56:39

Why are the site pages not being crawled?

I don't understand why Comparser, Majento, ScreamingFrog and other crawlers can't crawl more than 3 pages on this site??
I see that there are the same Canonical for all pages, but in the settings of each crawler you can turn off its accounting, but it still doesn’t help

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2 answer(s)
Denis, 2018-03-13

yes, it seems to me that your links are not correct
in fact, this is the main page with the parameter
you need to change the routing or cms

Andrey Kurtuchkin, 2018-03-14

Try changing your settings5aa944f597f0e839177796.png

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