GIRU2021-07-10 20:59:04
System administration
GIRU, 2021-07-10 20:59:04

Why are checks not sent from the cash desk atol 11F?

The client found out that he had not sent checks through OFD for half a year. connected a new OFD to him and the checks began to leave (there were 844 checks, at the time the cash register was disconnected from the network it became 666) and the client decided to take the cash register to the store, having brought the checks to the store, they stopped sending. Removed all old drivers 8 and 9. The problem was not solved, the EoU service is working. Reboot didn't help either. Reinstalling EoU EthOverUsb did not help either. After a while, the status of some messages changed, but the number of receipts remained at 666. How to solve this problem?

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1 answer(s)
Drno, 2021-07-10

Does the test sending to the office, which can be done in the software for the printer, go away?

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