jurvrn2020-07-07 18:03:35
jurvrn, 2020-07-07 18:03:35

Why are calendar days behind by one day?

the calendar is one day behind, and a minus is substituted for the past days. Maybe the days of the week are just wrong. How can this be fixed?

    function Calendar3(id, year, month) {
        var Dlast = new Date(year,month+1,0).getDate(),
            D = new Date(year,month,Dlast),
            DNlast = D.getDay(),
            DNfirst = new Date(D.getFullYear(),D.getMonth(),1).getDay(),
            calendar = '<tr>',
            m = document.querySelector('#'+id+' option[value="' + D.getMonth() + '"]'),
            g = document.querySelector('#'+id+' input');
        var lastmonth = 32 - new Date(g.value, m.value-1, 32).getDate();
            if (DNfirst != 0) {
                for(var  i = DNfirst; i > 1; i--) calendar += '<td style="color: Gray">' + (lastmonth-i);
                for(var  i = 6; i > 0; i--) calendar += '<td style="color: Gray">' + (lastmonth-i);
        for(var  i = 1; i <= Dlast; i++) {
            if (i == new Date().getDate() && D.getFullYear() == new Date().getFullYear() && D.getMonth() == new Date().getMonth()) {
                calendar += '<td class="today">' + i;
            } else {
                calendar += '<td>' + i;
            if (new Date(D.getFullYear(),D.getMonth(),i).getDay() == 0) {
                calendar += '<tr>';
        var dayaftermonth = 1;
                    for(var  i = DNlast; i < 8; i++) {
                      if(i > DNlast) {
                        calendar += '<td style="color: Gray">' + dayaftermonth;
                        dayaftermonth ++;
        document.querySelector('#'+id+' tbody').innerHTML = calendar;
        g.value = D.getFullYear();
        m.selected = true;
        if (document.querySelectorAll('#'+id+' tbody tr').length < 6) {
            document.querySelector('#'+id+' tbody').innerHTML += '<tr><td>&nbsp;<td>&nbsp;<td>&nbsp;<td>&nbsp;<td>&nbsp;<td>&nbsp;<td>&nbsp;';
        document.querySelector('#'+id+' option[value="' + new Date().getMonth() + '"]').style.color = 'rgb(230, 33, 33)'; // в выпадающем списке выделен текущий месяц
    Calendar3("calendar3",new Date().getFullYear(),new Date().getMonth());
    document.querySelector('#calendar3').onchange = function Kalendar3() {
        Calendar3("calendar3",document.querySelector('#calendar3 input').value,parseFloat(document.querySelector('#calendar3 select').options[document.querySelector('#calendar3 select').selectedIndex].value));

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