Rostislav2018-05-31 18:12:47
Rostislav, 2018-05-31 18:12:47

Why are blog categories in October CMS and how to assign layout to them?

I want to gradually move from Modx Revo to October CMS, but there are difficulties that were solved much easier in Modx.

1) Put October on Vagrant (windows 10), but it works slowly. At the office The site writes that in the vagrantfile config you need to specify the following:

config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/var/www", nfs: true, :mount_options => ['nolock,vers=3,udp,noatime,actimeo=1']

I tried, it didn't help. Who managed to solve it?

2) By default cms comes with the Blog plugin. It has the ability to create posts and categories. Installed the SEO Extension plugin (adds meta fields to posts and static pages). But I did not add to the categories. Layout cannot be assigned. Reminds me of a hassle with categories in WP, when it was necessary to sculpt crutches for the All in one seo plugin so that categories had the ability to set meta data. It is not clear why not make one type of pages and choose the desired layout for each (category, post, main, etc.), and based on the layout, display various fields for filling in the admin panel (as in Modx with TV parameters)?

3) Plugin Static Pages. What is the difference between static pages and cms pages? Is it because static have a visual editor? Why not do the same as for question #2 (one type of page)?

4) The Static Pages plugin has a static breadcrumbs component that renders breadcrumbs for static pages. wtf? And what about the categories and blog posts, again sculpting crutches? Or create a second plugin to display breadcrumbs on pages? And then the third for some more types of pages.

Perhaps I misunderstood something in this CMS. Please clarify the situation.

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