Alexander2020-07-06 11:03:01
Alexander, 2020-07-06 11:03:01

Why are 2 different companies chasing the same ad?

There are 2 computers, and for some reason, after some time after surfing in browsers, Yandex thinks that this is the same user, i.e. ads are the same.
On the home computer, the wife was looking for a school uniform, and on the same day, on another computer, an advertisement with a school uniform is issued in Yandex.Direct; were looking for puzzle books for children and oops, on another computer there are also puzzle books.
Different Yandex.mails are logged into browsers, on both computers there is Firefox with fierce privacy settings and blocking of various trackers, DNS via https.
The only thing that connects these 2 computers is that from my home I go to the worker via RDP (non-standard port)
Everywhere win 10 pro, but on the worker there is a license and a pirate at home.
If you need any clarification - write.

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