Ilya2021-06-30 21:22:12
Ilya, 2021-06-30 21:22:12

Why am I constantly running out of space on my C and D drives?

Guys, good afternoon. I'm chronically running out of space on my local drives. The system drive C is always 90 percent full. All software is installed in the next section separately. This is a three-partition drive, partition D is my working one, 500 gigabytes. And there is no place for it either. Literally, the render in PremierePro has just been thwarted due to a full disk. Please, I beg you, come up with a strategy for me to keep the disks at least half full. Because every time I clean up the disk by transferring files, a mess is created that is painful and long for me to settle, and this is the risk of disrupting the project. Literally after each cleaning, I can’t figure out for a week where the files have gone (if they haven’t been deleted past the trash yet).
My hardware and software: a non-upgradable laptop with a tightly closed bottom cover. A 120 gigabyte system SSD, a second 1 terabyte HDD, some slow USB 3.0 ports, a 4 terabyte HDD removable drive, and a second computer connected over the network, it has two HDDs of one terabyte each. The last four devices are slow and almost useless.

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5 answer(s)
Dmitry Roo, 2021-06-30

The strategy is very simple: buy disks of sufficient volume.

Drno, 2021-07-01

Where is the render? On the system drive? Well, then it's no surprise that the place ends.
Why does the space end with a D? What are you stuffing in there?
Why did usb 3.0 become slow? For rendering
Why did this hdd become slow? To render
Logic for you. The project is completely placed on drive C, mounted, rendered, copied to drive D or usb. After that, it is completely deleted from the C drive.

Artem @Jump, 2021-07-01
curated by the

System SSD 120
The system one is very small, it is only for the office.
Only the system will fit on it, and nothing more.
All software is installed in the next section separately. This is a three-partition drive, partition D is my working one, 500 gigabytes.
Why is it so small if you have a 1TB HDD? Why only half of a terabyte?
And if you do not have enough - either put things in order, or put a larger disk.
My hardware and software: a non-upgradable laptop with a tightly closed bottom cover.
Rendering laptop? Well, honestly, it's funny.
A laptop is a device so that you can quickly see or do something while traveling.
But working on it is still a perversion.
For work, they take a full-sized desktop without problems with connecting the required number of disks, memory, monitors, cooling, etc.

res2001, 2021-07-01

without the possibility of modernization with a tightly closed bottom cover

How interesting is that?
Tightly, this is only if the case is all-metal, I have not seen such laptops in nature. The rest of the options are being explored.
I have the same laptop from lenovo without compartments at the bottom, but the system disk was quite successfully replaced, a second one was installed and memory was added. Youtube is full of videos on how to disassemble different models of laptops.
As a matter of fact:
I recommend not to leave the user profile on the system disk. Many programs write their temporary files to profile directories, they can take up a lot of space. Regarding the methods of transferring the profile, I wrote here several times once.
There is no point in putting the installed software on another disk - usually the software does not take up as much space as project files and temporary files. If the software intermeddles on the system disk, then it belongs there.
120 GB for the Win10 system partition is not enough. Until you replace the system drive, try moving the paging file from the system drive to another one with more capacity. On the system generally prohibit it. There must always be free space on the system disk, otherwise Windows may stop loading.
Use the Windows cleaning wizard, it has already become quite advanced.

Oxidedixo, 2021-07-02

Добрый день!
Информации для понимания сути вопроса не так уж и много, больше эмоций ))).
Не совсем понятно в чем состоит ваша чистка ноутбука, после которой Вы не можете найти нужные Вам файлы? Что именно Вы "вычищаете"? Если это последствия вашей работы по обработке видео, то что тут посоветуешь? Вы и сами должны здраво оценивать последствия такой работы.
Если же место просто "магически" исчезает, то это другой вопрос. Был на моей практике такой случай, когда принесли мне компьютер для диагностики и на нем тоже как-то подозрительно было мало свободного дискового пространства, хотя программ стояло совсем ничего. Проблема оказалась в горе специалисте, который в свое время устанавливал операционку (ОС Windows 7). Не знаю зачем, но он настроил "автоматическую архивацию", которая постоянно делала бэкапы и этим просто забила 70% HDD. Возможно и у Вас подобная ситуация. Такие вещи сложно диагностировать удаленно ))).

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