Oleg Gamega2015-02-15 14:57:10
Oleg Gamega, 2015-02-15 14:57:10

Who uses Dagger how?

I thought about how to improve the architecture of my projects, I found an example of a mvp project using dagger https://github.com/jlmd/UpcomingMoviesMVP but it seems to me overly complicated for mobile development, it reminds me a bit of spring projects, but remembering limited resources ....
Actually the question is, who uses dagger how, heard a lot of good things about it, and square developers are trustworthy

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1 answer(s)
Emin, 2015-05-27

I use to inject all sorts of Picasso, Bus as a singleton, various services for receiving data. But what pleases me the most is the ability to quickly "mock" services with fake data, especially when there is no data in the real database at the initial stage. I spied on this approach here:
Here, for example overrides = true, it allows you to replace real modules with services with fake ones during debug assembly.

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