splunk2016-01-22 02:42:56
Project management
splunk, 2016-01-22 02:42:56

Who in your teams deals with incidents and "elusive" bugs: a tester or a developer?

Toaster, hello!
Let's say there is some problem in the product, the causes of which are not obvious. It is not clear whether this is a bug or a problem in setting up a complex product. The problem is critical and you need to spend time looking for the cause.
How can this be done more effectively within the framework of the project?
A developer's time is more expensive than a tester's, but he can figure it out faster.
The tester's time is cheaper, but he will need more time or will not get to the bottom at all due to a lack of knowledge and skills.
Who in your teams sorts out such questions?

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2 answer(s)
Котик Антон, 2016-01-22

Хороший тестировщик, выявивший проблему, старается сам найти её причину или, как минимум, подробно описать ситуацию, когда она воспроизводится. А докапывается до сути и исправляет уже разработчик.
Тестировщик до последнего старается не отвлекать разработчиков и админов (в разумных пределах). Но порой бывает, что сложные критичные баги приходится обсуждать в режиме реального времени всем вместе: разработчики, тестировщики, админы, порой даже менеджеры.
But here it is not always so. It is quite possible that there are other factors that prevent the tester from getting to the bottom of the defect: lack of access to the source code or configurations of the systems under test (black box testing), lack or insufficient level of logging, absence or poor quality of documentation (terms of reference, specifications), etc. .Think about it.

dmitriy, 2016-01-22

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